A houseplant is usually small, and darkly colored, whereas an outdoor plant will usually have a brighter color and will more likely to grow in size. Most plants prefer a temperature of around 76-93 degrees Fahrenheit. Meaning if you like your house to be cool, your plants' growth could be stunted.
Hey there the answer would be D. Keratin is the pigment responsable for skin color.
A. The top layer of the epidermus is made of dead skin cells. The inner player has to be constatnly making more cells
B.The body procudes more melanin with stronger sunlight exposure. This results because the UV of the sun causes T-T dimers which is a type of DNA damage.
C. UV causes genetic mutation which can result in cancer if not fixed by the cell
D.Keratin is found in the epidermis and with thick layer of skin found in the hands and feet. Melainin is responsible for skin color.
The answer is C
Explanation: The random change in the gene pool is due to genetic drift. Remember, genetic drift occurs at a more rapid rate when the population size is reduced. The flood is a random occurrence. It could have as easily been a drought.
Animals cause erosion in other ways too. When too many animals live in one place, they tend to eat and trample all the plants. Without the plants to protect the soil, it is much more likely to be eroded by wind and water. Animals cause weathering and erosion on rocky shorelines.