Step 1: An idea is introduced in Congress, it becomes a bill.
Step 2: Committees within Congress research, review, and approve.
Step 3: The bill is introduced to the House or Senate floors for all to review and consider.
Step 4: If approved by both the House and Senate, the bill moves to the President.
Step 5: President approves the bill and it becomes law.
The correct geographical features are:
- Second largest continent - Africa.
- Isthmus that connects Asia and Africa - Suez.
- Longest river in the world - Nile.
- Second largest lake in the world - Victoria.
- Largest desert in the world - Sahara.
- Dry area along the southern edge of Sahara - Sahel.
- Religion of the Sahara Nomads - Muslim.
- Two items traded by camel - Gold and salt.
- Trade city of the Sahara - Timbuktu.
- Country where the Kalahari - Botswana.
- African desert on the Tropic of Capricon - Kalahari.
<h3>What are some geographic features in Africa?</h3>
Africa is the second largest continent in the world and has features such as Lake Victoria which is the second largest lake in the World.
There is also the Sahara which is the largest desert. and the Kalahari desert in the Southern nation of Botswana.
Find out more on the Kalahari at
On October 13, 1943, the government of Italy declares war on its former Axis partner Germany and joins the battle on the side of the Allies. With Mussolini deposed from power and the collapse of the fascist government in July, Gen.
The Progressive Era was a period of widespread social activism and political reform across the United States that spanned the 1890s to the 1920s. The main objectives of the Progressive movement were addressing problems caused by industrialization, urbanization, immigration, and political corruption.
Nationalism. number 6 number 6