1) He was trying to Unite the country, no longer and south, but one country.
2)He abolished Slavery and needed the South to come to terms with this to enforce the laws.
He criticized the Catholic church for not allowing the people to teach our question the clergy. He also criticized the belief that if people didn't accept the Pope as the head of the church they would go to Hell.
The islamic religion (muslims) have the belief that one must make a journey to Mecca at least once in a lifetime.
Muslims also strive to pray 5 times a day beginning at sunrise and ending before bed.
The 10% plan called for a loyalty oath to be taken by 10% of the southern state's population. This was an oath to the Union.
Paintings: Mona Lisa
Sculptures: Cristo della Minerva
Works of literature: Pastoral poems
Inventions and Discoveries: The Submarine