moral dillema
having to choose between saving a dog from a fire or saving your sister
Attorneys are concerned about Nina:
A) being overly compliant or having formed false memories.
It is unfortunately common for children to be witnesses in certain cases, especially those concerning abuse. It is also common for them to be prevented from giving accurate accounts of what took place for being more suggestible than adults. That means children are likely to change their version of the facts or to even form false memories if the environment is biased. Police officers, detectives and attorneys must be careful to avoid interfering with the child's recollection of events. Sometimes, one biased interview is enough to taint that child's memory.
Electoral polls can be considered as one of the most useful tools that the political class has to press public opinion. However, its inclusion as a tool of democratic government has always aroused, and still continues to raise, widely held opinions. From the beginning, different authors contributed their different perspectives on the advantages and disadvantages of this instrument helping to contribute to the construction of the public image of the electoral polls.
Thus, some scholars pointed out that the results obtained from the representative samples would reveal the benefits that could be obtained from the correct application of the new instrument. They argued that the reliability of the surveys was the fundamental axis of their usefulness and legitimacy, recommending their use as the method more effective to improve a representative government. And they insisted on the importance of knowing and measuring public opinion at shorter intervals than inter-electoral periods. It also defended the scientific status of the surveys with the objective of being able to train them as a response to the government by public opinion and as a new instrument in the service of information.