Comment - how
Es - conjugated form of être meaning to be
REM je suis , tu es (you are)
So comment est-tu ? Means How are you.
J’ai besoin d’ _un _____ stylo pour écrire.
1. on est amis. (we are friends)
2. c'est un copain. (he's a friend)
3. Les examens sont difficiles. (Exam are hard)
4. Mais, je suis optimiste. (I'm optimist)
5. Dans la classe, nous sommes brillants ! (In my class, we are brillants !)
6. Et toi, tu viens d'ici ? (And what about you, are u coming from here ?)
7. Dans la classe de français, vous êtes combien ? (In FR class, how much are you ?)
8. Toi, tu es sympa ! (You, you are sympatic !)
Have a good evening ;)
There have been lots of people who have gotten c in French this lately. There have been about 128M people that have gotten c, and 72.6M people have recovered. There have been 2.8M deaths because of c. People started to invent vaccines, and people made many vaccines. We don't know what will happen next.
c. = c19