La respuesta correcta a esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.
El rey de España impuso a funcionarios civiles a controlar la tierra conquistada en lugar de dejar que gobernaran los conquistadores porque para el rey, los conquistadores eran guerreros, exploradores que no tenían la presencia para gobernar los territorios llamados la Nueva España. El rey consideraba que había entre su gente personas más capacitadas y cercanas a él para poder administrar el amplio territorio conquistado. El primer Virrey de la Nueva España fue Antonio de Mendoza, en marzo de 1535.
His natural genius crossed so many disciplines that he was made known as Renaissance man.
Absolute monarchy: Rule by a queen or king. Government of Spain and France and few limits on power.
Parliament: Representative body of English. Limited the power of the monarchy.
The absolutist monarchy is a type of government that has a sovereign individual who assumes all the political and social power of the country. that individual is the king or queen, who despite having people to advise his decisions represents a sovereign and irrevocable power that is passed on to his descendants.
A parliament, on the other hand, is a group of elected citizens, who represent the political body of a country and which has the capacity to limit the power of the monarchy and take away their sovereignty, preventing the country's sovereign from abusing power.
The Paleozoic (or Palaeozoic) Era "old" and zōḗ, "life", meaning "ancient life") is the earliest of three geologic eras of the Phanerozoic Eon. It is the longest of the Phanerozoic eras, lasting from 541 to 251.902 million years ago, and is subdivided into six geologic periods (from oldest to youngest): the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian. The Paleozoic comes after the Neoproterozoic Era of the Proterozoic Eon and is followed by the Mesozoic Era.
World War I was the final rallying cry for the temperance cause, but it had other effects on Prohibition and its 13 years of enforcement as well. Cultural changes during World War I had a broader impact on the following decade