they might think that you dont care about the conversation, and that something else is more important to them than listening to you
Diction refers to the choice of words with specific meaning , or connotations that helps the author to communicate his or her tone - best explains the relationship between diction, connotation, and tone. [ ]
The central theme of Number the Stars is the difficulty of growing up. One could make the case that Lowry uses the context of World War II as a way of making these difficulties stand out clearly.
hope this help :)
The team with the most fumbles are the Lions since based on the graph, the red bar is the highest compared to the other 3 teams and red represents fumbles.
The bears had the most sacks since the blue bar is the highest compared to the other 3 teams.
The Lions and the Panthers have the same number of interception, 2.
The audience is people who care about football, so sports analysis people, sports fans, etc.