The merger between Famous Players-Lasky and Balaban & Kat resulted in the first production-distribution-exhibition firm with a truly national theater chain.
- Famous Players-Lasky in collaboration (merged) with Balaban & Katz that was a chicago-based theater chain who had a lot of large auditoriums in the Midwest.
- The merger brought about the first production distribution-exhibition firm with a truly national theater chain. It was later named Publix Theaters. Paramount-Publix became the firm's name.
Conclusively, we can say that the merger between Famous Players-Lasky and Balaban & Kat resulted in the first production-distribution-exhibition firm with a truly national theater chain.
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1.The answer is that because of the process of meiosis and fertilizations
A nucleotide is made up of one sugar molecule, one phosphate molecule and one of the four bases. Here is the structural formula for the four nucleotides of DNA. Note that the purine bases (adenine and guanine) have a double ring structure while the pyrimidine bases (thymine and cytosine) have only a single ring.
A nucleotide is made up of one sugar molecule, one phosphate molecule and one of the four bases. Here is the structural formula for the four nucleotides of DNA. Note that the purine bases (adenine and guanine) have a double ring structure while the pyrimidine bases (thymine and cytosine) have only a single ring.
The androecium is the sum of all the male reproductive organs, while the gynoecium is the sum of the female reproductive organs.
and If all four whorls are present, the flower is described as complete. If any of the four parts is missing, the flower is known as incomplete.