Extremophiles such as halophiles and extreme thermophiles are archeas which live in and can survive in extreme conditions.
Halophiles thrive in high salt concentrations, while extreme thermophiles are used to temperatures like in hot springs (so, very high).
Translation, mRNA is read and matched with a corresponding amino acid by tRNA
Answer: A fern gametophyte produces eggs and sperm in archegonium portion and antheridium portion respectively
Ferns are bisexual and go under sexual reproduction. Ferns reproduce by using spores. In haploid phase each of the cells contain only one copy of each chromosome and in the multicellular diploid phase where each of the cell contained two copies of each chromosomes.
The sperms are produced in the antheridium portion and the eggs are produced in the archegonium portion
The magnetic marbles will attract to each other despite being mixed in with the ordinary marbles. The chance they will touch depends on how many marbles are in the jar and how many magnetic marbles were put in.