More innovations caused the economy to flourish and for many more factories to be built.
A cow is consider to be like the mother
- There are various reason why the variety of the cultural prohibitions are placed on eating the certain meats of animals and one explanation which can be found in the Hindu is that the killing a cow is that the soul of a cow may be a reincarnation of a descendant of the ancestor and that they provides us with more economic benefits than dead. Apart from that, they are seen as mothers.
ainda nao estudei isso mas quando eu estudar eurespondo
C. P waves move matter back and forth, in a direction parallel to the direction of the wave, while S waves move matter up and down, perpendicular to the direction of the wave.
P and S - waves are both called seismic waves. They are produced during deformation within the earth.
Usually, P or Primary waves have the fastest velocity and arrives at the seismic station first. Secondary, Shear or S-waves follows P-waves.
- P-waves are body waves that propagates within a body. They cause movement internally.
- Secondary waves are surface waves. They move on the surface of earth.
- One way to also distinguish between these two seismic waves is that, P-waves are longitudinal waves that travels parallel or longitudinally to the source.
- Secondary waves moves in an up and down motion pattern. They propagate transversely to their source.