Oof I haven't done these in a while but I'm pretty sure the preposition here is the word "Under"
Prepositions are basically words that connect/have a relation to another word in a clause, they show the relationship between a Noun and Pronoun.
Some other prepositions can be:
- Across
- Above
- Beside
- Between
- For
- In
- Off
- Toward
- Off
I hope it helps, from what I remember I think the answer is correct!
Book means to read something and find something , the old man means who was not young , the sea means it look blue and in that we can swim
Answer: inferred
An inferred meaning is one that is not explicitly stated by the author, but that is hinted at throughout a passage. This is usually done through the use of various rhetorical and literary devices, such as characterization, symbols, motifs, setting and mood.
I think controversial, because things can look fake but sometimes they can look real. i don’t know though.
A) The correct answer is C) the mistake helpfully reveals the way Azy's mind works.
B) The correct option is D) "Maybe this can teach us a little bit about how he thinks."
A) Azy - an Orangutan in captivity which is being used for experiments in the behaviour of primates, especially learning, is presented with a bag containing food.
Azy is given options on a screen to select from, and instead of picking food, he picks another symbol which represents a container.
According to the researchers, the right answer would have been the symbol which connotes food. However, Shumaker is elated to note that the Orangutans have the ability to put things into categories.
B) In the last paragraph of the excerpt, Shumaker states that in his opinion, the mistake shows that Azy in his mind is learning or can put objects into categories and that that by itself could be a pointer to how Orangutans think.