Generally speaking, Manifest Destiny had a negative impact on African Americans, since it led to the expansion of the United States, with many of the new states in the west becoming "slave" states. This conflict eventually led to the Civil War, after no compromise could be truly agreed upon.
1939, germany invaded poland.
They would cite the fourteenth amendment, which states that the prohibition of interracial marriages is prohibited and does not cite same-sex marriages.
The text shown in the question above refers to the right that the constitution of persons who have been legally married within the country. Thus, if a homosexual couple has been legally married, no state can prevent them from enjoying the conjugal rights that the constitution allows. However, those who oppose this type of thinking claim that the constitution does not support or protect same-sex marriages, and these marriages are unconstitutional, since the fourteenth amendment, which refers to marriages, only covers interracial and does not, at any time, cite homosexual marriages.