Anne Frank had gotten the diary a few weeks after being in hiding. Her dad actually gave it to her and she started writing in it that day.
I read the book and watched the movie.
From the novels basically on Oliver twist and Noah clay pole concerning depictions, the first thing is that they all come from a very poor social background. In this case Oliver is seen to be unknown person in the society due to him being associated with gang and other band acts. Despite the fact that Noah is seem to be poor as Oliver, Noah considers his personality and life as known or rather superior person more than Oliver. From the novel Noah is depicted to be a coward and very oppressive person. Some people praise him and his behaviors since he is a
parish kid. At some point he went further to insulting Oliver as somebody who is very poor and of bad behavior basically in term of social morals, this can be witnessed to be ridiculous since Oliver is not that bad and also he is poor like Oliver in the real sense. From the novel Oliver is seen to be a good boy and has never shown some kind of inclination to destroy other peoples’ lives or harms anyone
Line chosen from the poem is fair as a star has use of simile.
Four lines chosen from the poem are :
A violet from a mossy stone
half hidden from the eye!
Fair as a star, when only one
Is shining in the sky.
In the third line of this stanza, simile has been used because a comparison has been made in the poem using the word "as". This helps to understand the meaning that the poet is trying to make with more impact and gives them an example.