The meaning of irony is the expression of one's meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect. In 'The Gift of the Magi' by O. Henry' irony is represented when Jim gives Della the combs after she sold her hair. The story states," For there were the combs -- the special set of objects to hold her hair that Della had wanted ever since she saw them in a shop window. Beautiful combs, made of shells, with jewels at the edge --just the color to wear in the beautiful hair that was no longer hers. They cost a lot of money, she knew, and her heart had wanted them without ever hoping to have them. And now, the beautiful combs were hers, but the hair that should have touched them was gone." This persents irony because she sold her hair, so she couldn't use the combs she longed for.
A. It lacks parallel structure
Sinclair presents images of hands full of cuts and covered with poisoned blood.
Through the context of your question, we can see that you are referring to "From The Jungle" by Upton Sinclair. In this work, the author reports the terrible conditions of the slaughterhouses in the USA, both in relation to the quality of the meat sold, hygiene and working conditions, mainly in relation to the immigrants who worked in this industry.
Sinclair's descriptions shocked the public and an example of this can be seen on lines 102-122, where Sinclair presents disturbing images of the hands of the workers who had several cuts and were covered in blood. He did this to show the poor working conditions, hygiene and condensation.
The narrator's intention for "unnaming" the animals is:
to become one with nature and have equality rather than showing domination over the creatures by labeling them with a name.
This question refers to the short story "She Unnames Them
", by author Ursula K. Le Guin. The narrator is Eve, the first woman created by God according to the Bible. In the story, Eve realizes the need to take back the names given to the animals, and even her own name. She unnames them. Some are hesitant, but in the end all animals accept remaining nameless. She notices then that her purpose has been fulfilled:
<em>They seemed far closer than when their names had stood between myself and them like a clear barrier: so close that my fear of them and their fear of me became one same fear. And the attraction that many of us felt, the desire to feel or rub or caress one another’s scales or skin or feathers or fur, taste one another’s blood or flesh, keep one another warm -- that attraction was now all one with the fear, and the hunter could not be told from the hunted, nor the eater from the food.</em>
Now, since there are no names to distinguish them, they are all the same. No separation is felt any longer. There are no classes, just "them". Eve then goes to Adam and gives her own name back. She is free, like the animals she unnamed, from the label once forced onto her.
Misconception means you thought you understood something but your wrong.
Your answer is
<span> B. an act of falsely believing; error </span>