constant, if slow, motion and are frequently blasted by strong winds, these clumps roll around a bit like tumbleweed.
The Greatest Showman is a musical about P T Barnum and how he created a circus. The characters played their roles beautifully, specifically Zendaya and Keala Settle. The way that the songs were interlaced with the characters movements and actions was spot on and perfectly in sync. One weak point would be when Rebecca Ferguson is lip singing Never enough on stage, and she doesn't pull it off smoothly. The overall message that you are perfect just the way you are is portrayed beautifully throughout the entire movie.
Claudius gives Laertes two reasons why he didn't punish Hamlet yet - he says he loves his mother and that the public loves him. So I guess your answers would be Gertrude loves Hamlet and the King does not want to hurt her and the Danes like Hamlet.
These two options are definitely correct, but if you need another one, then maybe also choose The Danes may not believe Claudius too (however, I am unsure about this one because in the text he only states two reasons).