It led to the start of world war 1. Archduke Ferdinand was from the Balkans which was known as the "powder keg" of Europe during this time period.
Bishweshwar Prasad Koirala
China under Mao had two major attempts to industrialize and boost its economy in order to become a strong economic nation. Mao's policies though did not worked as planned at all, and they had the opposite effect, crumbling the economy instead of developing it. The planning of how the industrialization was supposed to happen, and the planning for the production of the raw materials for it, were totally misjudged and nothing turned out as projected.
Russia on the other hand had very old school industry, and it was modernizing very slowly. Despite having problems similar to those in China, still the industrialization was going much more smoothly. It was slow, step by step, not keeping up the pace of the Western World, but it was managing to develop nonetheless.
The Mayan and other Mesoamerican cultures used a vigesimal number system based on base 20, (and, to some extent, base 5), probably originally developed from counting on fingers and toes. The numerals consisted of only three symbols: zero, represented as a shell shape; one, a dot; and five, a bar.