Media is a very powerful tool that can be used for either good or bad. The ones who know how to effectively use media are very powerful. Stalin knew this and effectively used it during his reign. The media did celebrate the accomplishments of Stalin and the Communist Party while at the same time attacked anyone who dared say anything. Likewise the material that showed the government in the negative light was not allowed. Thus he strengthened his rule through the clever use of media and censorship.
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Faced with financial ruin, some investors actually committed suicide, believing that they would never be able to escape from their debts. This quick and precipitous decline in stocks' value in October 1929 became known as the Stock Market Crash of 1929. This event signaled the beginning of the Great Depression.
hope this helps!!
The Triangle shirtwaist fire was one of the deadliest disaster in the history of industrial disasters.The disaster happened in the Greenwich village Near to Manhattan,New York city on March 25,1911.
As a result of this fire the Eye witnesses helped formulate the American society of safety Professionals on October 4,1911.
The fire took the lives of 146 people most of them were women and young girls mostly Italian and Jewish immigrants.
The fire started on the 8th and 9th floor of Asch building where the Triangle waist company that manufactured blouses for ladies called shirtwaist was located.The workers were unable to escape because all the emergency exits were locked at the time to avoid them having unauthorized breaks hence a lot of people ended up jumping.
New York times also suggested at the time that the fire was started by the owners of the industry Max Blanck and Isaac Harris to claim insurance.
The fire department arrived but they had ladders that reached only the 7th floor,
As a result of the fire the New York state legislature created factory Investigating commission to investigate industries and their conditions.
Answer: The Human Development Index is a search for components of society's progress towards economic and social achievement.
There are three dimensions to human development:
- life expectancy is achieved by the ability to live a long and healthy life,
- education achieved is achieved through the ability to acquire knowledge,
- the standard of living made is achieved through the ability to provide a decent income for life.
Answer: Voting, Freedom, Capitalism all have to do with U.S democracy.