a janitor
Booker T. Washington enrolled at the Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute (now Hampton University) in Virginia (1872), working as a janitor to help pay expenses.
Washington's 1895 Address to the Atlanta Cotton States and International Exposition is one of the most famous speeches in American history. The goal of the Atlanta Exposition was to showcase the economic progress of the South since the Civil War, to encourage international trade, and to attract investors to the region.
imply - indicate the truth or existence of (something) by suggestion rather than explicit reference.
implicit - suggested though not directly expressed.
You do not have to wash a cutting board between cutting different foods
One of the misconceptions about food safety that I saw in the video was that a person does not have to wash a cutting board between cutting different foods
Answer: Unstable
I would give this chapter the title “Unstable”, because it shows how Ponyboy’s mental condition were really not great after having to accept Johnny’s death as he couldn’t accept the fact Johnny died and that Johnny had killed Bob. (Due to Ponyboy’s mental condition, Ponyboy kept mentioning that he killed Bob even though Johnny killed Bob.)