well the question is is it a state bill or federal congress? also i dont have all the facts, but one kid did a bill on how we need to fund an iron man project.
pick something youre passionate about or you wont score well i garuntee it. and whatever you do, DONT DO A BILL ABOUT GETTING RID OF PENNIES, ELIMINATING DAYLIGHT SAVINGS TIME, OR CONVERTING AMERICA TO THE METRIC SYSTEM. LITERALLY EVERYBODY DOES THAT. your teacher will cry.
1. we already have laws
2. banning the use of guns is unconstitutional (2nd amendment)
3. it's not the gun itself but the person behind the gun
4. gun control has been proven to be unsuccessful (look at Australia's homicide rates with various weapons)
5. banning or limiting guns restricts our access to protection against other people, corrupt government, etc
for #3, more ppl stop school shootings, mass murders, etc. before they happen, but they never show up on the news bc it's not a good enough story. social media and even the news nowadays is super biased, never shows all of the facts, and exaggerates things, so don't believe everything you see on the internet.
c. Both of the above are TRUE.
the right to bear arms and in 1791 by the U.S. congress