He qent in strike after the british tax them on salt . The british had ruled india for a while they march a long way 241 miles 80,000 including him where arrested ....
Government in the Middle Ages - Feudalism
The prevailing system of government in the Middle Ages was feudalism. Though the actual term “feudalism” was not used during the Middle Ages, what we now recognize as a feudalist system of government was in control in Medieval Europe. Feudalism was a way for the Kings and upper nobility to keep control over the serfs and peasants.
There is no universally accepted modern day definition of feudalism. The word “feudal” was coined in the 17th century, some 200 years after the end of feudalism in Europe. The term “feudalism” was coined later still, in the 19th century.
After the publication of Elizabeth A. R. Brown’s The Tyranny of a Construct, many scholars have found the term “feudalism” troubling and have wanted to drop it, not just as the title of government in the middle ages, but as a term altogether.
Feudalism is mainly used in discourse today as a comparison or analogical term applied to governmental structures in history. This is known as “semi-feudal.” The term has also been brought up in discussions of non-Western societies today whose governments resemble the feudal system in medieval Europe, but this use of the term is often deemed inappropriate.
Apenas as afirmações I, II e IV estão corretas
O utilitarismo foi uma corrente filosófica do século XVIII que exerceu influência determinante sobre o desenvolvimento da teoria econômica dos séculos XIX e XX, de matriz neoclássica. Tendo Jeremy Bentham (1748-1832) como seu principal expoente, o utilitarismo parte da máxima de que toda a motivação humana, em qualquer tempo e lugar, pode ser reduzida a um único princípio: maximizar o prazer e minimizar a dor. Essa máxima, derivada de uma filosofia do indivíduo, tornou-se o paradigma econômico dominante, representado pela escola neoclássica. Sob essa ótica, toda e qualquer análise econômica deveria partir do princípio do indivíduo como agente racional maximizador de prazeres e utilidade. No campo da teoria econômica, o cálculo do máximo prazer torna-se o cálculo do máximo lucro, e esse cálculo é sempre o comportamento esperado e justificado como racional.
Tendo o utilitarismo como fundamentação filosófica da ação individual, essa corrente rejeitou as teorias do valor-trabalho como explicação da formação do valor de troca e do preço das mercadorias, colocando em seu lugar a teoria do valor utilidade.
Mount St. Helens is an active stratovolcano located in Skamania County, Washington, in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It is 50 miles northeast of Portland, Oregon and 96 miles south of Seattle, Washington
Print on demand books = print on demand publishing, which is a method of producing books in specific quantities that are needed to meet an ongoing bookstore, or book buyer's, orders.
Printing on demand is a book distribution method that was made possible by digital printing (also inseparable from digital printing). It prints books only in response to orders, and only prints the exact amount ordered. Due to the capabilities of digital printing, print on demand is actuallu capable of filling an order for one book profitably.