Great Fear, French Grande Peur, (1789) en la Revolución Francesa, un período de pánico y disturbios por parte de los campesinos y otros en medio de rumores de una “conspiración aristocrática” del rey y los privilegiados para derrocar el Tercer Estado.
b; the industrial revolution affected northern communities more significantly than southern communities.
To see which alliances would start a war
Correct Answer:
Anti-Federalist fear that the president would have too much power
When America was formed newly, there was an ongoing struggle between two major group of people on how the constitution of America would look like. <u><em>These group called - The Federalists and The Anti-Federalist were on opposing view.</em></u>
The Anti-Federalist were of the opinion that, the president would have too much power which could be liked to the colonial master, England, which they never wanted to emulate. The president having too much power means that, the state would be at the mercy of the central government in which the president controls.
The Free-Soil Party sought to end slavery on American soil especially on newly incorporated territory. Free-Soilers therefore disliked the Kansas-Nebraska Act because it allowed for the potentiality of slavery in those states. The K-N Act called for popular sovereignty, which meant it allowed the people of the new states determine whether or not they wanted slavery.