Workers gained higher wages.
The philosophies of individualism and secularism were similar during the European Renaissance because d) each philosophy deemphasized the importance of religion. This was because individualism emphasized that the individual could make their own choices (without influence from the government or the church) and secularism emphasized living a life without the church (or the influence of the church).
This region was also politically unstable as there were different ethnicities and there was also rising nationalism in the region. Nationalism brought about tensions. There was also rising Serbian nationalist groups. Combined with the brinkmanship of the European Powers the area became a fuse to the powder keg that Europe had become. The Balkans has strong Cultural, Religious, and language ties to the surrounding Empires but they were in small pockets making nation building difficult.
The Romans (Julius Cease 55 B.C.)
The Anglo-Saxons (449 A.D.)
The Vikings (793 A.D.)
The Normans (French; 1066 A.D. Battle of Hastings)