It made us have to make our own stuff instead of running to England.
The Declaration of independence was a great successful document written by Thomas Jefferson a great idealist and a man from the age of enlightment, he was a great writer and was the one chosen to write the declaration of independence, he wrote it with a lot of thought about how people’s emotions would be, how they would react, and how it would work all to their advantage, and with very rhetoric language he wrote this document, stating truths and lies about what was happening in the colonies at that time.
The Declaration was the spark to set off the revolution that was the most successful revolution in human history, making it very great and important. It written to the king of Great Britain, to the people of the United States of America.
It it clear and reasonable that the declaration was made for many causes that weren’t being attended because of the British thinking that even the lowest class in the military was above the civil law of the colonies, and that no one should immigrate to such a place, taking away so many laws from the people making them pay high taxes well mainly the rich for the lands they owned which was good in a way but for all those who wrote the declaration that mainly had a lot of land it was horrible, but for the poor folk it was good in a way but not even for the poorest of peasants to be able to trade with other merchants from other countries ruined the economy in the colonies. Great Britain was the only country and place they could and would trade to it was illegal for the colonists to be able to make money by trading their raw material with any other country.
Besides tha many issues that Magna Cartas has been added, this are 4 key beliefs that should have been added too.
1_ No taxes would be accepted before the previous debate and agreement of the chiefs and the most important merchants in town.
2_ Every chief and merchant who has accepted the new tax would have to sing a loyalty paper as an act of faith for his words and decisions.
3_ Every person will have the opportunity to be heard before going to a justice trial.
4_ No king could make battle decisions whitout a previous debate on the chief's court as regards battle issues and decisions.
This clauses will be added in order to make a more fair and respectful community in those times when Magna Carta was issued in 1215. Not only they will make sure that each person has the chance to be heard but also it will moderate the power of the king making him less powerful and givim more control to the people.
He was a American politician and engineer. Was the 31 president.