Hi! Well, I am not sure your question is complete enough or even in the right subject but, assuming it is, I would say that functions with parameters are an example of abstraction because <em>they are limits for what we consider normal, so everything that happens between those parameters, without any specifications, are considered in a certain way. </em>
This discussion even can get a little abstract if we don't put a clear example. So, let's do that. I would say that functions with parameters are an example of abstraction because <em>it is a general concept where things develop</em>. For example, we can say that we -humans-, at least in America, are free, but we are free to do certain things that don't hurt others and/or ourselves. So, the truth is we are free inside determined limits, between certain parameters. <u>As long as we stay inside those parameters, we can do whatever we want</u>, but if we go beyond those parameters, our behavior will be considered wrong by society. We can say that the "<em>good</em>" is an abstract concept, because it is a general concept that tries to describe the <u>accepted behavior</u>, but is not really listing any in particular. <u>All the functions we develop inside those parametres are ok for the rest of us</u>. That is why I think functions with parameters are an example of abstraction because they are limits for what we consider normal.