Usually microorganisms help keep the nutrients in the soil cycling allowing for nutrients to be distributed all over. But they do what they can unless the disease is damaging to the soil itself therefore damaging the microorganisms working to keep the plant functioning.
Fermentation produces alcohol. Thats how we make rum and beer
Answer: irregular,inconsistent, unsteady, uneven, shaky, fitful, patchy, variable, varying, changeable, changing, ever-changing, on-and-off, off-and-on, inconstant, erratic, haphazard, unstable, unsettled, spasmodic, sporadic, episodic, intermittent, occasional, unpunctual, wavering, fluctuating, aperiodic, unsystematic, unmethodical, ...
The role of an enzyme is to B change the activation energy of the reaction. Specifically, they increase the general speed of all reactions and are made of proteins.