1. Catch up on all the latest Netflix shows Many of us have been making the most of the eased restrictions over the past couple of months, spending as much time as possibly seeing friends and family for socially-distanced catch ups and providing a much-needed boost for the struggling hospitality industry by indulging in lunches, brunches and dinners at our favourite spots again.
However, this means you may not have had a chance to keep up with all the latest binge-worthy shows Netflix has been dropping. From everyone's latest obsession Bridgerton (we're totally rewatching) to Emily in Paris (or the array of shows like Emily in Paris and shows like Bridgerton), the list is endless.
"I couldn't believe I was really doing this," Neto recalls.
This book offers a narrative that shows how young people should be most responsible for promoting beneficial and real changes worldwide, through progressive attitudes and participation in transformative activist movements. The book shows the experience of some young people who already participate in this type of movement, to encourage and show how reprehensible it is.
Answer: connotation
To answer this question, let us look at the definitions for each of the words given. All these definitions are shortened versions of <em>Oxford Languages </em>definitions.
✗ <u>descriptive</u> - serving or seeking to describe
✗ <u>genre</u> - a category of artistic composition
✓ <u>connotation</u> - an idea or feeling that a word invokes
✗ <u>denotation</u> - the literal or primary meaning of a word
The only word that talks about emotions linked to a word is your answer;
American exceptionalism is a view of the United States of America that the country sees its history as inherently different from that of other nations, stemming from its emergence from the American Revolution, becoming what the political scientist Seymour Martin Lipset called "the first new nation" and developing a uniquely American ideology, "Americanism", based on liberty, equality before the law, individual responsibility, republicanism, representative democracy, and laissez-faire economics. This ideology itself is often referred to as "American exceptionalism." Second is the idea that America has a unique mission to transform the world. President Abraham Lincoln stated in the Gettysburg address during the American Civil War, in reference to the preservation of the United States itself, Americans have a duty to ensure, "government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth." Third is the sense that America's history and its mission give it a superiority over other nations.