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The Northern and Southern sections of the United States developed along different lines. The South remained a predominantly agrarian economy while the North became more and more industrialized. Different social cultures and political beliefs developed. All of this led to disagreements on issues such as taxes, tariffs and internal improvements as well as states rights versus federal rights.
The burning issue that led to the disruption of the union was the debate over the future of slavery. That dispute led to secession, and secession brought about a war in which the Northern and Western states and territories fought to preserve the Union, and the South fought to establish Southern independence as a new confederation of states under its own constitution.
The agrarian South utilized slaves to tend its large plantations and perform other duties. On the eve of the Civil War, some 4 million Africans and their descendants toiled as slave laborers in the South. Slavery was interwoven into the Southern economy even though only a relatively small portion of the population actually owned slaves. Slaves could be rented or traded or sold to pay debts. Ownership of more than a handful of slaves bestowed respect and contributed to social position, and slaves, as the property of individuals and businesses, represented the largest portion of the region’s personal and corporate wealth, as cotton and land prices declined and the price of slaves soared.
The states of the North, meanwhile, one by one had gradually abolished slavery. A steady flow of immigrants, especially from Ireland and Germany during the potato famine of the 1840s and 1850s, insured the North a ready pool of laborers, many of whom could be hired at low wages, diminishing the need to cling to the institution of slavery.
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Waterways, steamboats, and railways, alongside the broadcast all affected the market economy somehow. In the book, on page 335, it states, " The railroad opened huge new ranges of the American inside to the settlement while empowering the digging of coal for fuel and the produce of iron for trains and rails." The railroad was likewise the reason for Chicago getting to be plainly one of the best urban areas. Waterways took into account "cultivate families to send their products to showcase". Steamboats made transportation upstream conceivable. Transmit took into account "correspondence all through the country". It was for the most part utilized for organizations. Every one of the four of these developments "twisted America out of its monetary past" by making exchange/business quicker, less expensive, and more proficient.
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses Grant at Appomattox Courthouse after Lee recognized the futility of continued fighting.
The Battle of Appomattox Court House was fought on April 9, 1865, between Union Army forces commanded by general Ulysses S. Grant and Confederate forces led by general Robert E. Lee.
Lee abandoned Richmond, Virginia (the Confederate capital) and moved west, hoping to regroup with other remanining Confederate units in North Carolina. However, Union forces pursued the Lee army and engaged it at Appomattox Court House. Lee charged the Union lines but, as he broke their line, he saw that further Union forces vastly outnumbering the Confederate army were advancing to join the battle. <u>Upon realizing the futility of his situation</u>, general Lee famously declared: "There is nothing left for me to do but to go and see General Grant and I would rather die a thousand deaths".
Robert E. Lee surrendered to Ulysses S. Grant that same day, which eventually led to a domino effect with other Confederate armies surrendering shortly after. The Civil War formally ended on May 9, 1865.
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