The correct answer is:
To leave the economy alone
Laissez-faire, is a French phrase that means "let (it/them) do" or "let go". It is an economic system in which regulation, privileges, tariffs and subsidies between private parties are free from government intervention. The idea came from the economist and philosopher Adam Smith, he stated that the economy's equilibrium will be obtained when the government minimizes intervention. Thus he believed the government’s role in laissez-faire capitalism was to leave the economy alone.
Answer: Francisco Pizarro's
Explanation: The 16th-century Spanish explorer and conquistador Hernando de Soto arrived in the West Indies as a young man and went on to make a fortune in the Central American slavery trade. He supplied ships for Francisco Pizarro's southward expedition and ended up accompanying Pizarro in his conquest of Peru in 1532.
To promote assimilation, American Indian children were given free education and were inducted into federally funded boarding schools across the country.
Policy makers at the time hoped that the early immersion of native born children would help them become "proper" and productive citizens. One of the first boarding schools was the Carlisle Indian School, established in 1879 on Pennsylvania
The founder, Henry Pratt, believed that education was key in order to "kill the Indian and save the man." The theory of the boarding school became known as "assimilation through education."
Bartolomeu Dias would be your answer