It is housed in a museum in France
The original Bayeux Tapestry is being held in the museum in Normandy, France, although that soon will be exhibited in a u museum in Britain.
Tapestry or Canvas from Bay, embroidered canvas 50 cm wide and 70 meters long, depicting scenes from the Battle of Hastings 1066, in Latin inscriptions. Currently, the canvas is on display at the Queen Matilda Special Museum in Baja, France, protected from possible damage from light and air.
In the year between 1760 and 1840 AD a tremendous change occured in the field of industry in England .Different machines were invented and came into use to produce the goods . Such machines were operated by power and produced the goods many times more than the goods produced by hands .These change occured in England is called Industrial Revolution
Extra features or characteristics for hunter collectors are listed below.
- This same proportion of the population belongings would be maintained dynamic topology.
- The existing infrastructure is relatively tiny in population density, approximately fifty.
- Local organizations are either not "keeping exclusive territorial rights" or are not controlling possessions.
The oldest book would probably have to be The Bible...
The Progressive Era Conservation Movement was a social movement taking place during the late 19th and 20th century that saw a resurgence in environmental conservation following the drastic exploitation of natural resources in the United States. Supporters of this movement included President Theodore Roosevelt who created state entities to preserve natural resources and lands.
The Hetch-Hetchy debate discussed the incorporation of water resources into San Fransisco's city planning, specifically the damming of an important river in Yosemite in order to grow the new city or the conservation of wild lands. Congress debated the issue, pitting conservationists and preservationists against one another, eventually, conservationists were victorious seeing a dam built in the Hetch Hetchy Valley.