What are some of your options
In the United States, we have a very important document called the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights is a list of rights that everyone enjoys. These laws were
written down a long time ago, when our country was first formed, so that everyone would know their rights. This document was saved and protected, so that all
citizens today and in the future would enjoy the same rights.
Over the years, new rights have been added to the list. These new rights are called Amendments. One of the added amendments freed the slaves. Another gave
American women the right to vote. These are important rights. They also have been written down, saved, and protected.
The same was true with Justinian's Code. Emperor Justinian wanted to save in writing all the laws that began in ancient Rome. Those laws were called the Twelve
Tables. He collected up all the old laws, and added new ones that gave his people even more rights.
One of the laws in Justinian's Code stated that a person was innocent until proven guilty. Can you think of any country today that has this same law? Well, sure -
we do! Many countries do, including the United States, Great Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, and others.
It is not easy to write laws that are fair for everyone. Our founding fathers did a great job with the Bill of Rights, but then they some great teachers, one of which
was Justinian! Justinian wrote laws that were fair for everyone because he thought about the needs of all the people. He did such a good job way back in 500 CE
that new and existing governments still refer to his laws as guides when creating laws for their own countries today!
Missiles: Soviets developed ICBM could reach U.S. and carried nuclear weapons, space, CIA used U-2 aircraft that flew so high they couldn't be shot down but was shot down in 1960<span>
The correct answer is C) Free trade allows companies to relocate anywhere on the globe.
A free trade system is beneficial in the system that it allows countries to trade with each other without restrictions. However this system has flaws, especially for the United States. Companies in America have to pay taxes and a mimimum wage according to federal law. In order to avoid these costs, American companies will go where they can buy cheaper land, pay lower wages, and pay less taxes in order to save money. This hurts the US economy, as it results in the less jobs available for American citizens.