According to classical economists, the price-wage-interest rate flexibility refers to a combination of flexible factors that maintains economic stability:
- Flexible interest rates keeps the money markets (loans) in equilibrium.
- Flexible wages keeps the labor market in equilibrium.
- Flexible prices keeps the goods and services markets in equilibrium.
Therefore, if spending declines, the economy will self-adjust using flexible interest rates (interest rates should lower), flexible wages (wages should lower) and flexible prices (prices should lower) until the economy rebounds.
The corresponding budgets in column B from which dollar amounts are transferred directly in constructing the budgets listed in Column A are matched in the explanation below
1.) Budgeted Income Statement
E.) Sales Budget
2.) Budgeted Balance Sheet
D.) Payables Budget
3.) Cash Flow Budget
A.) Direct Materials Budget
4.) Cost of Goods Sold Budget
B.) Cost of Goods Sold Budget
5.) Production Budget
C.) Production Budget