147.5 million km
The Sun is at an average distance of about 93,000,000 miles (150 million kilometers) away from Earth. It is so far away that light from the Sun, traveling at a speed of 186,000 miles (300,000 kilometers) per second, takes about 8 minutes to reach us.
Photosynthesis is the process plants use to convert energy from the sun into usable energy for their cells. Plants use the light energy of the sun, carbon dioxide, and water to make glucose (a sugar), and oxygen. The energy of the sun is captured and stored in the bonds between atoms in glucose molecules.
The development of adaptive traits is a result of natural selection, one of the main mechanisms underlying evolutionary change.
Understanding natural selection is also becoming more and more important in real-world settings, such as resource management, agriculture, and medicine. Even among people with postsecondary physical education, studies show that natural selection is generally very poorly understood.
learn more about natural selection here:
Answer: The answer is federal employees
Answer: Option B) inability to digest proteins
The pancreas secretes trypsin, a proteolytic enzyme, that acts on proteins cleaving its peptide bonds, and eventually yielding peptones or polypeptides.
Thus, in the absence of pancreas protein digestion would be a problem