Answer:the possession of feathers
Explanation:birds are warm blooded animals , that possess feathers.these feathers cover their bodies and used for flight and warmth.their forelimbs are modified into wings,which fold into a Z shape at rest.feathers grow from the skin follicles and are replaced by scales on their legs.they possess oil gland to dress the feathers.
Other features of birds include
1) beaks with no teeth
2) fully ossified bones with air cavities
3)females with left ovary and oviducts only
Living and Nonliving Things in the Ecosystem. Ecosystems -- biological communities -- include living organisms like animals, plants, insects and bacteria, as well as nonliving components like rocks, soil, water and sunlight.
The human genome density ranges between 12-15 genes per Megabase pairs. This is because humans have approximately 2000 genes in a total of approximately 3 billion base pairs. However, some primitive organisms have an even larger gene density
than humans. An example is bacteria with gene densities ranging between 100 –
500 genes/Mb. Gene density is therefore
not a good characteristic in determining
the complexity of an organism.
The Urinary bladder controls the elimination of urine from the body.
- The lower abdomen contains this triangle-shaped, hollow organ. Ligaments that are connected to the pelvic bones and other organs hold it in place.
- When storing pee, the bladder's walls relax and expand; when emptying urine through the urethra, they contract and flatten.
- The typical healthy adult bladder has a two to five-hour storage capacity of up to two cups of urine.
Three parts of bladder allow urine to be discharged:
- A pair of sphincter muscles. By tightly shutting around the bladder opening like a rubber band, these circular muscles assist prevent urine leakage.
- In the bladder's nerves. When it's time to urinate or empty the bladder, the nerves let the person know.
- Urethra. Urine can travel through this tube and leave the body. Urine leaks from the bladder as a result of the brain's tightening signal to the bladder muscles.
learn more about Urinary bladder here:
It is another type of full moon, happens in different sub divisions of a year. It gets it names from its appearance, as a blue lighting color.