e local demagogue promised to generate more jobs if the people voted for him.
Missy’s friends consider her taste in clothes and accessories to be rather bourgeois.
Rachel’s enimagic behavior made her friends think she was hiding something.
The unyielding ruler Louis XVI had all the characteristics of a deposit.
Karen’s bad attitude precipitated her getting kicked off the school basketball team.
Renee coddled her new puppy and let it sleep at the foot of her bed every night.
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A quote sandwich is a method that aids you in effectively adding quotes.
Top slice: Introducing the Quotation.
Meat & veggies: The Quote.
Bottom slice: Explaining the Quotation.
Its basically statingg how you should explain and show the quote in that order.
Example :
Top Slice -
According to .......
In the text it states ......
Meat and veggies -
(Write down the quote)
Bottom Slice -
This quote means....
This is stating........
Awnser: Even though kingsolver’s essay addresses scientific information, her use of dialogue introduces different viewpoints which allows the reader to connect more deeply to the information. Readers relate to the dialogue which gives them a sense of familiarity. She uses an anecdote, which incorporates ideas of god and religious ideas. It advances her purpose because it provides a sense of relation to religion, an apparent concept that many practice. today.
I believe its either Rising action or the climax.