Identify the principles and values most important to you. Describe the most important role you played in life – your family role, work role, and roles in the community are all a part of your story, your legacy. Describe your faith and how it impacted your life and decisions.
You need to find <u>clues</u> from the text in order to make a prediction.
When we're reading a book, we can often catch ourselves wondering about what's going to happen next and trying to predict different things, such as what the book will be about, what the author is trying to tell us, what would happen next at the end of the book if it were to continue, etc.
Predicting requires us to:
- find and use clues within the text, and
- use what we already know from personal experience or knowledge.
Ask three questions and have them answered accurately
"Tacit"means that it's understood and implied but not explicitly stated. This means that the movie implies a racial hierarchy (white more import than collored). This is criticised as it has the potential of reinforcing racial stereotypes and racial discrimination.