can't understand words
jo one has helped u because we can't understand what it says
Phrase 1) words need capitalization
Phrase 2) word needs accent
Phrase 3) mispelled word
Phrase 4) mispelled word
Phrase 1) Names of towns, countries, states always start in capital letters: Perú
Phrase 2: México needs accent
Phrase 3: años it should go for years
Phrase 4: eres takes one R
first part:
1 quedar
2 pasar
3 esperar
4 plaza
5 tráfico
6 derecho
7 avenida
8 camino
9 puente
10 peligroso
El objeto directo:
1 la glorieta
2 ustedes
3 un libro
4 vosotros
5 una carta
Las oraciones:
1 estoy diciendo la verdad
2 estoy leyendo un libro
3 estoy repitiendo esa oración
4 estoy durmiendo en el sofá
5 estoy sirviendo la mesa
The second one, españoles.
If I were in the program, I would sing the song. I suggest that Lisa write the article. I propose that Suzan be asked to perform in the program.