1. Some exercises were done by Tom everyday.
2. Good cakes are made by my aunt.
3. The pigs are fed by Bill every morning.
4. The fishing village was destroyed by a silent storm.
6. The party last night had a lot of invitees.
7. America was discovered by Christopher in 1492. (debatable)
8. 2 centuries ago, Tan Ki house was built by them.
Make the second noun the subject
the question is : Why dies the country legend always wear black?
How to make Honeydew Sorbet!
Supplies needed:
1 honeydew
1 knife
1/4 of a cup of honey
1 food processor
1 tray with parchment paper
1 loft pan
1 freezer
1. First, cut one honeydew up into slices.
2. Next, cut those slices into bite-sized pieces.
3. Spread them out into a tray with parchment paper and freeze them in a freezer.
4. Now, add the melon pieces into a food processor.
5. Add 1/4 of a cup of honey and combine until they are mixed evenly.
6. Finally, put them into a loaf pan and freeze until frozen completely.
Hope this helped!
The real meaning of euphemism friendly fire is term in military bases means accidentally attacking your own military unit hope this helps :)
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3 Simple Tips to Describe a Scene
How to help your readers visualize settings
Ardsheer Ali
Ardsheer Ali
Jul 25, 2020·4 min read
Photo by Glenn Carstens-Peters on Unsplash
I’m sure you’re aware of the components of a brilliant story: a riveting plot, interesting characters, and the resolution (or not) of the protagonist’s conflict. All of these comprise the what of the narrative.
The how is described through scenes and settings.
The scenes in your story are, in a nutshell, the chances that you have to leave a lasting impression with the reader. They portray the aesthetic of your tale; which is its single-most impactful element. People read stories not just to know what happens, but also to find out how it happens. These are just two sides of the same coin.
A fantastic plot twist excites and amuses the reader.
A well-described scene teleports them into the world you’ve created.
Creating a palpable setting requires effective communication. The way to do this is defined clearly in the final point of this article. However, powerful writing has more to do with avoiding mistakes rather than developing new skills. The first two points are about this.