It helped them buy seeds, tools and supplies in bulk
After 9/11, NATO invaded Afghanistan with the intent of taking down the Taliban regime and al-Qaeda.
while no options are provided here:
the fundamental difference between the Soviet Union and the USA was that the Soviet union was a communist state while the usa was capitalist state. In terms of freedoms and liberties, the soviet union did not guarantee liberties in line with the concept of ploretariat dictatorship. In terms of governance, the soviet union was an authoritarian regime while the USA was a democracy. in terms of religion, the soviet union crashed on the freedom of its people to worship, in line with Marx assertion that religion is the opium of the masses while The USA did not.
The prophet Muhammad died in 632 CE. Within 100 years of his death, the Muslim empire had expanded to a great degree, reaching as far east as what is now Iran and as far west as Spain.
By 100 years after Muhammad's death, Islam's expansion was at a high point. In the west, Islam had spread across all of Northern Africa. It had even crossed the Straits of Gibraltar and Muslims dominated the Iberian Peninsula. This was as far as Islam was to penetrate into Europe as Muslim armies were defeated at the Battle of Tours in France in 732. By that time, Islam dominated everything from Morocco across Northern Africa to the Levant, the Arabian Peninsula, and the Persian Empire.