I think in the 10millions
because in the course of the 3rd century Romen was beset by crises. I pretty sure that is right hope this helps
It allows the reader to imagine the teachers voice.
(D) All of the above
The three most important Gods in Hindus are Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Being the creator god, Brahma's name sounds very similar to the divine entity known as Brahman. It is Brahma who brought all things into being. Vishnu is known as the Preserver, the second of the important triad of gods; and Shiva is believed as the Destroyer and Lord of the Dance.
Reincarnation is a major tenet of Hinduism. It is when the soul which is seen as eternal and part of a spiritual realm returns to the physical realm in a new body. It is believed a soul will complete reincarnation many times, learning new things each time and working through karma.
Candomble is retained from the Fon and the Yoruba, as in Cuba and Haiti.
What is Candomble?
A religion with African diasporic roots, candomblé emerged in Brazil in the 19th century. It developed as a result of a process of syncretism between a number of West African traditional religions, particularly the Yoruba religion, and the Roman Catholic branch of Christianity. Candomblé is governed without a centralized authority and is set up by independent organizations.
This African-derived religion of Brazil takes the names of Candomble in Bahia in Brazil, the Macumba in Rio in Brazil, and Batuque in the northeast. Candomble is retained from the Fon and the Yoruba, as in Cuba and Haiti.
To know more Candomble, go to URL