The importance of Griots lies in their role as cultural diffuser.
Griots are very important people in all the cultures of western Africa.
The main task of a Griot is the verbal transmission of traditional songs, which he recites in social events, such as weddings or baptisms. The griot must not only possess vocal skills, but also know in detail the history and current events, which he uses in his performances.
The griot gets paid to do this job.
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As salt was worth its weight in gold, and gold was so abundant in the kingdom, Ghana achieved much of its wealth through trade with the Arabs. Islamic merchants traveled over two months through the desert to reach Ghana and "do business." They were taxed for both what they brought in and what they took out.
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Really harsh. They suffered through a lot of hardship and pain throughout the years through many suffereings such as being killed and tortured and died rights.
Meaning any wrong doing will cause the police to come and get them, and it also says that the United States and America deserves to be free and independant of a country.