The above situation is a good example of the cultural relativity of deviance. Deviance is conduct that abuses social standards and stimulates negative social responses. Some conduct is considered so unsafe that administrations sanction composed laws that boycott the conduct. Wrongdoing is conduct that damages these laws and is unquestionably a critical sort of abnormality that worries numerous Americans.
Cultural because music has no direct connection with economies, industrial, and politics. Also, this shows cultural diffusion because a culture is being spread throughout the world.
Answer: TRUE
Explanation: The siege of Bexar (San Antonio) became the first major campaign of the Texas Revolution. From October until early December 1835 an army of Texan volunteers laid siege to a Mexican army in San Antonio de Béxar. After a Texas force drove off Mexican troops at Gonzales on October 2, the Texan army grew to 300 men and elected Stephen F. Austin commander to bring unity out of discord. The Texans advanced on October 12 toward San Antonio, where Gen. Martín Perfecto de Cos recently had concentrated Mexican forces numbering 650 men. Cos fortified the town plazas west of the San Antonio River and the Alamo, a former mission east of the stream.
By the time the Texans camped along Salado Creek east of San Antonio in mid-October their numbers had grown to over 400 men, including James Bowie and Juan N. Seguín, who brought with him a company of Mexican Texans. Bowie and James W. Fannin, Jr., led an advance to the missions below San Antonio in late October, while Cos brought in 100 reinforcement men. On October 25 the democratic Texans conducted a debate over strategy. Sam Houston, who had come from the Consultation government, urged delay for training and for cannons to bombard the fortifications. Austin and others won support to continue efforts at capturing San Antonio.
From San Francisco de la Espada Mission on October 27, Austin sent Bowie and Fannin forward to Nuestra Señora de la Purísima Concepción de Acuña Mission with ninety men to locate a position nearer the town for the army. There on the foggy morning of the twenty-eighth Cos sent Col. Domingo de Ugartechea with 275 men to attack the advance force. The Texans drove off the assault from a position along the bank of the San Antonio River, inflicting over fifty casualties and capturing one cannon. Austin arrived after the battle of Concepción to urge an attack on San Antonio but found little support among his officers.
It is known as source of information those documents that contain usefull data to satisfy a demand of knowledge or information. A very important part of the investigation process is to distinguish and select the sources more suitable for the work in progress.
In which matters to the question itself I believe that the sources you should avoid are those who could be subjective or express a single point of view like:
- Political sources focused on expressing a single point of view: This source is one to avoid because it doesn´t admit critics to the message and the idea it´s not open to debate.
- Commercial sources focused on selling a product: In this case you need to understand the prupose of the information provided by this sources. The objective of such sources is to sell not to inform so the facts wrote on it could be not quite academically right. Sources like this are known for the using of a lot of subjective adjectives.
The Government-sponsored websites and the subscription-based sources must have a deeper investigation to notice if they are objectives.
At last the acamedic sources that provide clear information are the ones you should use for a investigation work. They are objectives and made by professionals and pass through a very hard selection process made by colleagues and are the result of sometimes years of investigations.
I hope the answer help you and provides you what you were looking for. I give you a little explanation of what the sources of information are to put in context the answer.
The north and south began o use conscription early in the war to ensure that they had enough people in their army fighting in the warfront.
The conscription act passed by the US congress during the civil war demanded that all citizens between the age of 20 and 45 have to join the military to serve in the war. The conscription also mentioned aliens who required the citizenship of US. In order to be exempted from the military service people had to pay $300 which was a high sum at that time.
This meant that only the rich could afford exemption and this led to revolts in many parts of US. The Draft Riots of New York is an example. The confederate states government also passed the conscription draft to enhance the strength of their military force.