Casting Manager or Casting Director
I can't find the difference between the two, but it's definitely not the director or the producer. I'm leaning more towards casting director.
<em> Da Vinci affected Raphael since the earliest reference point of his vocation. </em>
<em>Raphael</em> visited Florence toward the <em>start of the 1600s</em> to appreciate and think about crafted by Da Vinci. Raphael could contemplate crafted by Da Vinci when <em>Leonardo was painting the Gioconda. </em>
Raphael set apart from Michelangelo and Leonardo Da Vinci for his drawings. Students of history and present day specialists profesors respect Raphael and separate him from the other to <em>craftsmen due to his expressive drawings, </em>considered persuasive and a genuinely <em>radiant case of his work.</em>
Basically she means that a documentary photograph isn’t always 100% true something else could’ve happened in the time the photo was taken and it made it look a different way . and he’s photographs can convey a larger meaning than what is present because you could take a picture of something and not know the full meaning behind it .
6,300 degrees Fahrenheit
Oxidizing Flame. Cast iron can be welded with an oxidizing flame. The oxidizing flame is produced by increasing the oxygen in the mixture, producing an oxygen-rich gas. It has a temperature between 6,000 and 6,300 degrees Fahrenheit.