Our utmost endeavors cannot arrive at so much as to imitate the nest of the least of birds, its contexture, beauty, and convenie
nce: not so much as the web of a poor spider. All things, says Plato, are produced either by nature, by fortune, or by art; the greatest and most beautiful by the one or the other of the former, the least and the most imperfect by the last. Montiagne’s statement can best be paraphrased as _____.
Nature creates more superior things than human ability can.
The paragraph written by Montiagne states that nature is perfect, beautiful, incomparable and unreachable. He makes many compliments, the way nature creates things, how it renews itself, and how everything seems to have admirable harmony. For the author, the capacity for creation of nature, far above human capacity, the human being, however talented, will never create with such perfection. For this reason, we can phrase the Montiagne paragraph as: "Nature creates more superior things than human ability can."
I believe The artist did this so that the drawing/painting would look neater and more easier to understand instead of catastrophic and messy therefore leading the viewers eyes to look at the main concepts of the image rather that several miniature concepts thrown together into one whole.