meal tax should be imposed but proportionately,,,
meal tax is tax of owning much meal more than the normal set quantity,,it should be imposed because it important in economy,,it is a source of revenue to the government,, government is able to run its activities in the country like developmental programs like construction of roads,,bursary for students,,its also a source of employment to officials mandated to compute on how the burden is being distributed,,meal tax helps the country to avoid wasting of resources,,like one having enough food to thr the extent of throwing others,,
Civil War was the subject to be discussed before and for any topic or subject to be discussed there should be its evolution then only everyone's focus goes 0n that things and they make it as topic and presents in different ways like writings readings etc in the past there used to be war and conflict about which public were unknown and many writers started to wrote abt regionalism writings and wrote books as well but nowadays people can easily get to know abt any things on Internet that's why......