A good paragraph should contain at least the following four elements: Transition, Topic sentence, specific Evidence and analysis, and a Brief wrap-up sentence
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A plot is basically what's going on in a story, the main events in a story. In an action movie, there could be a murderer lurking around and the cops step up to stop him.
The plot is a murderer lurking around and the cops work to stop him.
The plot for a perfect day would probably me just being alone. I enjoy my alone time, and it'll allow me to get my own plans done, and not my plans getting ruined because of someone else's plans.
Cramming for things to get done is generally a bad practice although for some they may consider this as an inspiration to get things done while beating the deadline. The time management that can be suggested to Sue is that she prioritize the things that needs to be done first and allot a specific time slot for her to do her assignments on time.