Tab isolation
Tab isolation is a feature of the browser that works to protect your data from malware. its uses to enhance the reliability of the browser by considering the impact of the crash.
A browser without the tab isolation can be crash fully due to the crashing of one tab. this feature helps to recover the previous opening tab after crashing while on the previous version of the browser if one tab crashes then it automatically crashes all other tabs.
An HTML is made up of several individual tags and elements such as the head, body. form, frame and many more.
In an HTML page, the meta element and the title element are placed in the head element.
An illustration is as follows:
<em>< head >
<em>< title > My Title < /title ></em>
<em> < meta charset="UTF-8" >
<em>< / head ></em>
<em />
The head element contains quite a number of elements and tags; some of them are:
- meta
- title
- style
- script
- base
And so on.
Hence, in order to use a meta-data element, the meta element has to be placed within the head element.
Read more about HTML elements at:
ayo fam
I dont think this is supposed to be here lol