He thinks there is a demon hiding innit thus, he runs and calls his mom. His mom says "Jimmy there's nothing in that pilow young man!" Jimmy walks back to his room scared if its still there. He hops into bed hoping that he can get a good nights rest. The next day, Jimmy asks if he can go buy another pillow. His mom says "As long as it makes you feel safe then ok." Young Jimmy, jumping in excitement, goes to the checkout zone to buy his new pillow. When they get home, Jimmy and his mom eat dinner and then head for bed. Jimmy hops into bed and knows that everything will be ok. The end.
Most importantly, musicians can share their works with others. Other people can see their musical ideas and can try and perform them too. Nuances such as tempo, dynamics (loud soft, sweet, "harsh", are just some examples) can be understood even if the composer is not present and there is no recording to listen to.
Financial benefits can be realized from the sale of sheet music, scoring the piece, arranging the piece for bands, orchestras, etc. Conductors can lead an entire musical ensemble through the piece.
Answer is A. One.
Refer below.
A data flow cannot go directly back to the same process it leaves. There must be at least one other process that handle(s) the data flow, produce(s) some other data flow, and return(s) the original data flow to the beginning process.
Follow these steps:<span>Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Word Options.
In the left pane, click Customize.In the Choose commands from list, click All Commands.<span>
White Space Between Pages, click Add, and then click OK.
The White
Space Between Pages option will appear on the Quick Access Toolbar.</span></span>(google)
I hope I answered your question!