Python is an object-oriented programming language that is designed to be accessible and simple for all users, HTML is a web language and is used globally to define the structure of web pages by using various tags. HTML is not a programming language it's a markup language which is used to formatting web pages. Python is a general purpose scripting language which can be used to develop a wide range of programs.
Oracle doc...
7.3.4 Copying a Database Application Page
You can copy a page from the current application or from another application. During the copy process, you can also copy shared components or change mappings to shared components in the target application.
To copy a page:
Navigate to the application you want to copy to:
Navigate to the Workspace home page.
Click the Application Builder icon.
Select an application.
Select a page.
The Page Definition appears.
In Tree view:
Under Page Rendering, select the page name.
Right-click and select copy.
In Component view:
Under Page, click the Copy icon.
For Copy Page Option, select one of the following:
Page in this application
Page in another application
Follow the on-screen instructions.
sales = float(input("Enter monthly sales amount: $"))
commission = 0.05
if sales> 500000:
commission = 0.1
print("You earned: $"+str(sales*commission))
I wrote my code in python 3.8. I hope this helps.
When resizing an image or an object in a presentation, a user should not utilize the sizing handles in the middle of the sides or the bottom of the image. There's nothing wrong with resizing this way.
There's nothing wrong with resizing this way
When the sizing handles in the middle of the sides are used, the image stretches out reflecting an increase in the width maintaining There's nothing wrong with resizing this way.
On the other hand, while using the sizing handles at the bottom, the image increases in height whilst maintaining the same width again disturbing the aspect ratio.
there is a webiste called w3schools that really helped me through my web page design class, just click on learn html