"She said she could play the piano"
Indirect speech isn't quoting the character's exact words but instead reporting what they/she/he said- It is also sometimes called reported speech
reported speech
[reported speech]
a speaker's words reported in subordinate clauses governed by a reporting verb, with the required changes of person and tense (e.g. he said that he would go, based on I will go).Also called indirect speech. Contrasted with direct speech.
Need more information to complete the question. Which book is this?
The vampires eyes were burning coals is a comparison of two things without using like or as so it’s a metaphor
this is a quote cause it says princton university states and its copied I have proof look below
found from the princeton website I also checked on plagarism checkers not trying to be rude just answering question and so u do not get in trouble if u do decide to copy it