Tornadoes form when warm, humid air collides with cold, dry air
I believe it is the compass. It aided sailors locate the direction to which they needed to go. Even before the age of exploration, people had ships capable of long voyages. As the years pass, the designed improved to an extent that they can travel farther.
If your thoughts lean toward a certain activity then you have an <u>inclination</u> for that activity.
To have an inclination for something means to have a tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way. The root of this word is <em>clin</em>, meaning<em> to lean</em> or <em>to bend.</em> There are many words with a similar meaning, such as <em>disposition,</em> <em>propensity, liking, tendency, affinity</em>, etc. Another common meanings of the word <em>inclination</em> are:
- a deviation from the true vertical or horizontal (a slant);
- an inclined surface (a slope);
- an act of bending, inclining or tilting.
1. he said he was an aerospace engineer
2. she says she works in the National History Museum
3. the Doctor said their son studies at university
4. the Astronaut said they are in space
5. He says he teaches physics to his friend
6. Mother says she loves the youngest girl