The reason they went to war is when the Athens interfered in Persian affairs.
Jacksonian democracy. A movement for more democracy in American government in the 1830s. Led by President Andrew Jackson, this movement championed greater rights for the common man and was opposed to any signs of aristocracy in the nation.(Compare Jeffersonian democracy.)
Lewis and clark were put on the great expedition to search to the far west to look for more land as the united colonies grew, on their way the stop by many american indians. But, Lewis and clark were not the ones to drive them out of their land, it was when the colonists came to claim land from them.
<em>Sorry if this had nothing to do with this question, i just read about the great expedition awhile ago and i remember lewis and clark trying to be friends with indians -Cvest</em>
In 1933, the Supreme Court struck down the National Industry Recovery Act, leaving workers "on their own" when it came to finding employment during the Great Depression.